Friends of Waller Park Operations – 2001 to Present


Installed Play Structure in the Don Potter Area ($25,000)

● First Arbor Day Event
● Friends of Waller Park funded a fourth playground structure in the back of the park near the Off Leach area in close proximity to the YMCA ($34,000)

● Renovated the structure installed in 1995 adding swings, jump toys and a teetertotter FOWP sponsored $38,000 of the project.
● To date Friends of Waller Park has donated over $500,000 to this park since the first Day in the Park in 1982 and it has been an annual event ever since.  The event grew year by year and eventually exceeded the capabilities of FOWP alone.  In 1992 a partnership of Breakfast Rotary and the YMCA was formed to continue the event.  Because of these two partners, Family Day in the Park has grown to provide a day of entertainment to thousands.


● Day in the Park held in August
● Arbor Day Event held in April
● Disc Golf Tournament held


                ● Day in the Park held in August

                ● Arbor Day Event held in April

                ● Disc Golf Tournament held


● Day in the Park held in August

● Arbor Day Event held in April

● Disk Golf Tournament held

● George Johnston elected Chair of FOWP. He joined in 2007

● Play structure installed in the back near Dog Park

● Memorial bench installed for Tony Estacio near flagpole. Tony was a Ranger and established the Zoo.

● Contract with California Hot Dog Company renewed. First agreement was in 1998. Agreement to sell food/coffee was from 1989.


● Day in the Park held in August

● Arbor Day Event held in April

● Disk Golf Tournament held

● Three pinata poles installed, sponsored by Lahr Electric.

● Began talking about walking trails.

● Began discussion with parks department about tree plaques.

● Donation to WOOF organization, (Dog Park), for waste bags.


              ● Day in the Park held in August

              ● Arbor Day Event held in April

              ● Disk Golf Tournament held

              ● Approval of Phase I of the walking trails. Joe Purdy donated $3,000; the remainder came from  grants. Installation started in November.

              ● Justin Lieberman refurbished the entrance sign.

              ● Trees being removed because of the turpentine beetle disease and drought. (80 – 100) Wood sales stopped; sales brought in $3- 5,000/year to FOWP


                ● Day in the Park held in August 35th year

                ● Arbor Day Event discontinued.

                ● Disk Golf Tournament held     

                ● MOU prepared for County

                ● Tree planting started again in May.


               ● Day in the Park held in August.

               ● Disk Golf Tournament held

               ● Model Jeep installed in front playground to honor Gene Peterson.

               ● Esmeralda Mendoza started as new Coordinator

               ● PayPal account setup

               ● Website set up by Esmeralda’s husband Roberto.

               ● Phase l of trails completed

               ● Began discussion with Boy Scout Ashton Guiltinan on establishment of Arboretum.

               ● Tree removal nearly ending, loss of approximately 200 trees to the beetle.


                ● Day in the Park held in August.

                ● Disk Golf Tournament held

                ● By- laws updated and signed off

                ● The Squire Foundation, Santa Barbara Office of Arts and Culture, set up a temporary display of sculptured animals. (panther, ram, tiger, eagle)

                ● Start of Cal Fire grant, Your Children’s Trees, to plant 150+ trees in the park.

                ● Esmeralda proposes a brick fund raiser to install around the flagpole.

                ● Phase II of trails partially completed

                ● Review and approval of Mission Statement with no changes: “To preserve and enhance the precious heritage of Waller Park”.

                ● Board elections held.

                ● Water well and pump to be replaced by early 2019.

                ● Long time Board member, Bailey Hudson passed away. Member since 1986.

                ● Long time Board member and Chairman, Don Ward passed away. Member since 1987.

                ● Arboretum dedication event held 10/13/18


                ● Day in the Park held in August.

                ● Disk Golf Tournament held

                ● Began planting memorial trees again, memorial tree planting began in 1988.

                ● Benches, trash cans and poop bag dispensers installed around Phase I trail

                ● Purchased a storage shed, Sea Train. Placed in yard at north end of park.

                ● Chairman George Johnston presents at “Heart of the Valley” in the Library

                (COVID year, some meetings cancelled or held at a picnic table in the park)
                ● Day in the Park cancelled
                ● Disk Golf Tournament held.
                ● Cut outs of monkeys installed at Monkey Island
               ● (COVID restrictions continue, with fewer meetings held.  Hoping to be back to
regular monthly schedule at park office in July.
                ● Day in the Park cancelled.

                ● Bricks installed around flagpole

                ● Assisted Lisa Leonard to reopen the Pony Rides

                ● Disk golf tournament held.

                ● Posted an article in Facebook about the 1973 loss of the monkeys.

                ● Discussion begins about remodel of play structure #4 to honor Don Ward

                ● Construction of tank in Area 7 begun. Will store water from Laguna Sanitation District to water the park grounds.

                ● Park Ranger Martin Villescas retires, Dominic May appointed new Ranger Liaison for Friends of Waller Park


                ● Board election held

                ● New Coordinator Juliann Hemphill

                ● Participated in Day in the Park, event run by Ed Carcarey

                ● Disk golf tournaments held

                ● County decision made to no longer plant memorial trees

                ● County decision made to no longer continue trails project

                ● Work done on Memo of Understanding (MOU) with County. County decision not to
have an MOU with Friends of Waller Park, but County will support 4 Disc Golf
Tournaments per year without registration fees

                ● Cal Fire tree grant completed with more than 300 trees planted.

                ● County offers old Ranger house on Waller Lane for FOWP Board meetings, to start January  2023

                ● County Supervisor Bob Nelson attends our October meeting.

                ● FOWP joins Chamber of Commerce

                ● Decision made to restart Arbor Day event in April 2023